Friday 22 October 2010

The Craftsmiths Craft Fair

Taking part at this lovely event at the super Salisbury Arts Centre (nice cake selection). Its a craftsmiths fair so should hopefully be a bit of a tasteful affair!
Am thinking that a regular Craft market in Salisbury would be a good idea, especially things on the more contemporary side. And although its quieter in the winter months its such a busy city in spring/summer. A few new shops have opened in the past few months which will boost the shopping appeal of Salisbury, lets hope so anyway!

More Stuff....



Loveely Brooches, great on a winter coat!!

Time to... blog?!

Well, it seems to be the thing to do so lets start blogging! Everyday I come across a lovely blog and think that I would like to contribute the musings of Once I Was and have an outlet for photos and ideas!
Here are the bags currently on sale on , very busy at the moment making lots of bits for christmas sales and bazaars! Sew, stick, sew...